August Goals

Hey friends,

I know that it isn’t August yet….but I need to make some changes fast and I have to get them down on here so you can hold me accountable.  You will help keep me in check right?

Here are my goals.

1.  No TV in August except on the weekends.  Friday-Sunday.  I have DVR.  I will live.  I will be productive.  I will connect with friends.  I will read.  I will bake.  I will take walks.  I will not watch television except for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.  I pinky promise.  If you text me and it is a Tuesday and I say I am watching tv….I will send you $20.  Seriously.

2.  I will eat 4 servings of veggies with at least one of those servings being leafy greens.

3.  I not go back to sleep after Crossfit.  Day 2 and I am still on it!  I am going to make more of my mornings.

4.  I am going to go balls to the wall with Primals new challenge.  Go like them on FB and find some of the details there.

That is it.  These are going to be hard for me but I feel ready to make the change to focus on these things.  Just send me a positive thought now and then to keep me excited.




What are your goals for August?

Making The Most Of My Mornings

Hi guys?

Remember me?

Good gravy.  I have been such a slacker.  I won’t go into detail.  We have all been there right?  Me…I have been there many a time!

What I will get into today is how I am making more of my mornings.  I get up early at 4:15 to go to Primal.  I work out at 5:00, get done at about 6:00, rush home to shower and then usually go back to bed and get up around 7:00, rushing to get Baby Belle and I out the door  by 7:45.  It makes for a really crappy morning.  Most days the extra 45-ish minutes of sleep are not worth it.  I have the rest of the day to realize how unorganized and lazy I have been.

I never get to do this….


photo (1)


Yeah…I read some of my book and ate a bowl of cereal this morning.  I also showered, did my make up, did a load of laundry, and was able to take the time to help Baby Belle attempt to use the big potty (she didn’t go but hey…we are making progress!  And we are talking the real toilet folks…not her princess potty!).

I am still trying to figure out a game plan of sorts for this extra hour I am giving myself.  For now, I am just hoping I can make this become a habit and stick with it!  This is only day one y’all!

photoI will continue to write myself reminders to not go back to sleep if I need to.  Wish me luck!

Have a great day y’all!

Do you have a crazy morning schedule?

How much time do you give yourself to get ready in the morning?

Mama Approved

Hey y’all.

I don’t have much to say today but I have a ton of pics in my phone of yummy stuff I have been eating lately.  Come along and take a look! 🙂


photoI scoped this out at the store and it was only $1.25.  I had to try it and it was good and easy to mix.  Loved that it was all natural.  Check out the site here as there are several other flavors to try!

photo(1)Oats in a peanut butter jar.  Threw in some strawberries for the pb&j effect.  YUM!

photo(2)Ripped Cream!  Great boost of protein in my morning coffee.  Tasted great!

photo(3)This Sambazon Freshie was a great replacement for coffee in the afternoon.  Tasted delish!

photo(4)Chobani Flip!  Love love love these.  Makes for an easy afternoon snack!  Almond Coco Loco is my favorite!

photo(5)I tried Noosa yogurt for the first time and it was so creamy!  It kind of reminded me of a raspberry cheesecake!

photo(6)Oh this was such a good dinner.  It was my first time making zuchinni noodles.  I sauted them lightly and then added some jalapeno cream cheese for a creamy sauce and topped it with taco turkey meat and corn.  Avocado on the side. 🙂

What yummy things have you been eating?

Have a great day friends 😉

Toddler Tuesday-Living History Farms

Hey y’all.

If you would have asked me when I was in third grade what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have told you I wanted to be a pioneer.  Living in a log cabin, tending to the animals in the early morning, walking 8 miles to go to a one room school, and you know…all the stuff the Michael Landon did on Little House on the Prairie.  That is what I wanted to be.  Seriously…ask my third grade teacher, Mrs. Baker.

Anywho…I won a pair of free tickets to visit Living History Farms on their facebook page.  This is honestly one of my favorite places in Des Moines.  They have no idea that my blog exists but I wanted to share our great experience there because honestly I was a little worried about whether or not Baby Belle would stay entertained as there is a lot of walking involved and a lot of “no touch” stuff everywhere.  I asked my dad to come with me and he gladly obliged.  Together we had a great time despite the kiddos early age.

photo(2)Before I get too into this post I will apologize for the lack of pictures.  Apparently I have way too many photos on my I-Phone which is how I document EVERYTHING.  My dad did take a few photos but not many.  I will try to give you a sense of how awesome this place is….even for a 28 month old.

We started by heading into the town of Walnut Hill.  Baby Belle headed right into one of the businesses where a kind man welcomed her.  She wasn’t impressed by a lot of the “no touch” stuff but he did point out a make shift potty to her that looked similar to a vase we have at home.

After that we waited about 10 minutes for the tractor to take us to the Indoway Indian farm.  She had a blast riding on the tractor and they sweet guy driving it was so kind.  🙂  Baby Belle was able to walk the trail and once we got to the farm one of the volunteers there let her pet the bison skin.  She had a lot of fun just exploring on her own terms and looking around.  By the way…she instantly got dirty 🙂

Now  here I will note that Living History Farms does have wagons for rent.  Baby Belle asked for one when we submitted our tickets at the main building.  I had a feeling that she would want to walk since she is such an independent woman ya know?  I was wrong.  As we headed to the 1850 Pioneer Farm (my dream life!) the trail went uphill slightly.  That is when the kid wanted to be carried!  So…my advice is to pay the $4 to rent the wagon…so worth it.  At this farm there were pigs, sheep, chickens and a cow with her baby.  One of the pioneers (literally…Baby Belle would whisper “Hi Pioneer” in the quietest voice!) told her she could pet the baby and that was a highlight.  She also got to help another volunteer churn butter.  They were all so patient with her and it was great they let her be involved!

Then we trekked on to the 1900 Horse Powered Farm.  There were pigs, horses, cows, chickens and a kitty there and so when Baby Belle quickly realized the house there had a hot stove and lots of “no touch” stuff indoors she quickly headed out to check out the huge hogs and the garden out back.

We headed to the place where the tractor would pick us back up and played on some tractor equipment for kids.  It was nice to have that stuff for kids to climb on during the wait.

photo(1)We headed back into the town and explored the Flynn mansion and well…everything.  The point is:  This place is a great educational and VERY hands on place for kids of any age.  The volunteers and employees there are patient and eager to answer questions even if it is your 2 year old repeating, “Where?” over and over!  We had a blast and I can’t wait to take her back there again next year when hopefully she will be at an age to really learn how awesome it would be to be a pioneer!  And when she gets a big older she can do one of their fun day camps!  And I had no clue…but they have fun classes for adults too!  Go check em out!

Thanks for the free tickets LHF and we can’t wait to come back!


Have you been to Living History Farms?



Wow!  That was quite a break!

I really want to give you a list of excuses but really there is none….aside from I didn’t have too much jazzy stuff to tell you…so I didn’t.

I would like to say I was exhausted but I haven’t been doing anything extraordinary to make me feel that way.

photoNot like this little kiddo who fell asleep after a fun day at the zoo with her babysitter :).

I really should title this post I need to get my shit together!  I am very much an extrovert in that I like to take on a lot of activities but I rarely follow through with any.  I don’t make them a priority.  And that sucks because I like the blogging community and I truly want to be more than a bloggie stalker.  I want to be a blogger.  I just don’t want it to get boring for my readers.  😦

Enough of that.  Just wanted to say I am ready to get in the swing of things.  I am going to clean my office (AGAIN!).  I am going to find my blogger planner (AGAIN) and I am going to get my shit together….(AGAIN!)

Next time I am MIA for 2-3 weeks…shoot me an email or find me on FB and tell me.  I need that sometimes 🙂


Do you have a good routine and can give me some advice?

What have you been up to lately?

What sacrifices do you make for your priorities?