
Nothing like taking a year hiatus and then popping back in to say hi.  Here is what is going on in my world currently.

Current Music:  I am a little obsessed with Sia right now.  After seeing Kristen Wiig dancing to Chandelier….I can’t stop.  If you haven’t seen it…go do it now.  It makes me weirdly emotional for some reason.

Current Indulgence: Too much Classic Frozen Custard.  If you are a Des Moines local and have never been here…hit me up.  I am happy to show you the ropes.  I am really digging the cookies and cream custard (huges chunks of oreos I have ever seen!) with Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups on top.

Current Drink:  Water.  So many bathroom trips.  My co-worker gave me this awesome cup and I chug-a-lug all day.


Current Food: Grilled __________.  I’ve gotten pretty good at manning the grill and am ready to expand to some new things.  Anyone want to get me this cookbook?  🙂

Current Guilty Pleasure:  Letting Stella do her own make up and pick her own outfits.  It is awesome!

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Current Reads: Business and Pleasure

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I think after this Jodi Picoult book I have read everything of hers….this one is going very slow for me but it is still really good.

I passed my ACE personal trainer certification early this year and am specializing in pre and post natal fitness.  My next course of action is the nutrition aspect.  I need to get this read ASAP.

Current Need:  A good family calendar app.  My hubby and I are testing some out before taking the plunge and paying for the yearly fee but it is hard to get a good feel for them and we are still out of whack.  With me adding classes, clients and Stella’s activities to the mix I need to get myself together and keep Kevin in the loop as much as possible.  Any suggestions?

Current Want:  I want you to like my new Full Circle Fitness business facebook page.  It is full of all sorts of good stuff.

Thanks for sticking with my little blog here!

What are your currents?  Share in the comments below.

See you all soon!

Shaunna 🙂

Toddler Tuesday-Stella Is A Princess Ballerina

Hey friends!

Hope you enjoyed the collages yesterday.   I spent too much time putting them together but I thought they were pretty jazzy.

So my kid loves to dance.  A good friend of mine gave me some hand me downs from her daughter and when I went through the boxes we found several leotards.  Stella loves wearing them and prancing around the house.  She always loves to show her daddy “her moves”.

I came across an advertisement for a 4 day Princess camp at Brekke Dance Center which isn’t too far from our house I signed her up right away.  I really want to sign her up for dance but thought this would be a great way to see if she would truly enjoy it and pay attention.  I get that she is 3 but I could see her acting like a total lunatic.  I know dance is a huge financial and time investment so I wanted to make sure we would both enjoy it.

Last night was the first night and from what I can tell my kid will have a long dance career ahead of her!


I couldn’t upload a video here on the blog so go check out my facebook page and I will post it there!

The ballerina’s mama,


Catch Up With Collages

I am struggling to find motivation to post on here more than I am.

I found a pretty nifty app and thought I would post a little catch up in pictures.  Motivation enough I guess!

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I participated in my first crossfit competition of the year.  My two peas in a pod partner and I have signed up for 2 more so far!

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We spent the afternoon of the 4th of July splashing at the beach!  Stella had a blast.

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Walking along the river downtown was a lot of fun!

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The Color Run was a blast as always.  It was Stella’s first time and she even ran quite a bit!


I attempted to take Stella to the track to join my crossfit pals for a track WOD.  It didn’t work out.  :/


I will be back sooner than later.



Toddler Tuesday-The Next Picasso

Hey friends!

It is happening!  Stella is starting to draw people!  When my nephew started this his mom sent me pictures of his artwork.  It made us both giggle because it is so darn cute.

Here is a drawing that Stella drew of me last week:

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Oh this is great!  Notice my big head, my huge eyes, my line smile and my teeny tiny arms coming out of the side of my head.  This is the best thing ever.  🙂

Have a happy day!


32 in 32

I do this all the time…set goals, get excited, and do some of them….but this is fun!  I just turned 32 and so now it is time to make the list of all the things I want to do in the next year.

1.  Do the Whole 30 challenge….and succeed.

2.  Pay off 4 of our credit card balances.

3.  Have a weekend to myself.  This might be a getaway….or might be a staycation.

4.  Take Stella on a Mama/Daughter getaway.

5.  Become a director in my Pure Romance business.

6.  Try SUP.

7.  Host a beer pairing dinner party.

8.  Read a book a month.

9.  Go to the Berry Patch with Stella, my sis and mama.

10.  Date night once a month with Kevin.

11.  Get this darn blog on track.

12.  Write down my blessings.

13.  Volunteer.

14.  Go to the dentist.  I haven’t been in a reeeallllly long time.  Like really long.

15.  Start a new career.

16.  Get caught up with picture books.

17.  Try 2 new to me fitness classes.

18.  Try new restaurants.  Kevin and I printed off a list over a year ago and haven’t gone to one in a long time.

19.  Go camping.

20.  Go on a beach vacation with Kevin and do a lot of drinking.  🙂

21. Participate in 3 crossfit competitions.

22.  Host a chopped dinner party with friends.

23.  Dig in my recipe vault and quit cooking the same old things.  I would like to try a new recipe once a week.

24.  Run 3 races.

25.  Take a spa day.

26.  Try juicing for at least 3 days.

27.  Meditate.

28.  Do something rad to my hair.  (I already did this….but I am counting it 🙂

29.  Organize my office and KEEP it that way.

30.  Sign Stella up for swimming classes.

31.  Take a cooking class.

32.  Do more educational things with Stella.



I may or may not get these all done but hopefully I will get lots of em done before June 21, 2015.

Anyone want to join me?


Toddler Tuesday-Stella Is A Really Good Cooker

Hey friends.

We have been having so so so much fun so far this Spring/Summer.  I haven’t taken the time to blog about it and I have a TON of pictures in my phone.  I thought I would share a fun little activity that Stella participated in last month.

I shop at Hy-Vee that is a few blocks from our house and noticed a sign for a kids cooking class with the dietitian.  I called Abbie to see if there was an age requirement and she encouraged us to participate.  It was only $5 so we signed up!

Stella was so excited when we got there.  There were several older kids already at the table and she ran right up to them and introduced herself and asked them their names.  Social butterfly.

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Abbie had several recipes to make that didn’t include cooking at all.  She let the kids help in every aspect of the food prep.  I was surprised but she even let Stella help cut.

photo (2)I was really happy with the fact she did that.  Stella was so cute and said, “I am helping the teacher!”

All of the recipes would make great snacks for kids.  They all had semi-healthy ingredients (much healthier than candy that is for sure!) and letting the kids make their own snacks makes them more inclined to eat them.


photo (5)With my permission Stella ate everything even though Abbie offered to go boxes.  She really enjoyed getting to be a cooker.

We plan on going to another class next week.

Here is a link to one of the recipes that is similar to what we made:

Healthy Butterfiles


Have a happy day!




Toddler Tuesday-My Kid Screamed In Cinderella’s Face

Hey friends,

I had a great post planned today but the little slip of paper I had with all the information on it is somehow missing in my mess of a purse.  Instead I am going to tell you about the time that my little princess screamed in Cinderella’s face.  🙂

I contacted Storybook Adventures to set up having Cinderella come to our house to help Stella celebrate her 3rd birthday.  We do have a party for her with just family and she gets totally spoiled….so instead of gifts Kevin and I wanted to just create a magical memory for her!  Setting up the date was so easy and although the owner said that 3 was a little young we decided to give it a shot!

I took the whole day off and sent Stella to daycare in the morning so I could scrub the dog accident spots out of the carpet before Cinderella arrived.  My mom, stepmom, aunt and a friend and her daughter came too.  I thought having a few people over (including a two year old) would make Stella not so shy.  She loves seeing princesses but when they come to her and talk…she gets camera shy.  Take a look at the picture from this post…the one where she is creeping on the princesses 🙂

I picked Stella up and she quickly changed into a new dress my mom gave her for her birthday.  We waited by the window for our surprise to arrive.  She saw Cinderella walking up to the door and was so excited but as soon as Cinderella walked into the door she kind of froze up.  Princess Cinderella was flawless helping Stella become more comfortable.  Luckily her basket was filled with fun ribbon dancers that kept my little ballerina happy!



Cinderella magically came with music so luckily this kept Stella happy for the majority of our half hour!  Cinderella also had rags to so that Stella could clean just like Cinderella had to but that didn’t make my lovely princess very happy.  That is when she screamed in poor Cinderella’s face and started crying.  Back to the ribbon dancers and all was fine!  🙂


Before Cinderella left she gave Stella necklaces and a crown which Stella still wears around now.  She will exclaim, “Oh!  These are my bracelets (totally necklaces!) from Cinderella!”  It is pretty darn cute!

What a great experience for my little princess on her birthday!  And Stella still won’t clean the windows!  🙂


Storybook Adventures is a great local company!  I highly recommend them to anyone looking to create memories with their children!  They also do a lot of stuff around town and have giveaways on their facebook page!  Be sure to check them out!

Have a happy Tuesday y’all.


What I Learned Over The Weekend.

Just going straight to the list….

1.  I am a people pleaser….to the point of being a push over.  This really sucks.  I got myself into two binds because of this over the weekend and now I am spending today feeling guilty and crabby.  And I may have hurt a friends feelings.  

2.  My husband is really classy.  We went to a wine tasting and tour at Summerset Winery on Sunday.  It was a great afternoon and I forgot how fun day dates can be….especially when they involve wine.  We tried lots of wine but settled on buying a bottle of their Mostavo which was their version of a Moscato.  So yummy….


3.  I talk too much.  I need to work on being a better listener.

4.  I have very little motivation to stick with any type of healthy eating challenge I set for myself.  As soon as the weekend comes along….all those “I can do this!” feelings go out the window.

5.  I like blogging….or I like the idea of being a famous blogger I guess.  I need to get my crap together to make it happen…and learn to write better.  🙂

I hope y’all have a great week!  

Toddler Tuesday-We Hate Winter

Hey y’all.

I am sure you all know about the Polar Vortex.  It sucks.  I am getting so crabby about the cold weather, being stuck inside and shivering.  There were a couple of days earlier this year where it was 30 degrees or warmer and it was wonderful.  Let’s go back to those warm days so we can do fun stuff like puddle jumping and sliding.

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photo (3)Dreaming of warmer days……

How many days until Spring?

Shaunna 🙂


Changing It Up

I am just going to swoop back in here and pretend it hasn’t been over a month since I have last blogged.  🙂

I am sure I have mentioned it on here before but I have a huge obsession for collecting recipes online, pinning them on my Pinterest boards, and buying cook books.   You would think that someone with this many resources would be able to come up with a meal plan that didn’t have tacos and spaghetti on it every week.  Now we love tacos and spaghetti but come on!

I decided to make sure I try at least one new recipe a week that I could get the family involved by letting them pick from 3 recipes.  We vote, and I cook!  If we all love it then I keep the recipe.  If we are not all on board….I can toss it!


Now everyone can be involved, we are trying new things and I can hopefully soon get all these ripped out magazine pages and computer print offs organized.

Happy Monday y’all


Do you ever get in a recipe slump?

What is your favorite recipe resource or cook book?