
Hi Friends.

I flubbed up with one of my goals today so I thought I would confess and let you know how I was doing with them.  I originally posted about my goals here.


1.  No TV except for on the weekends.  This has been hard folks but I have been keeping up with that.  If the television is on in my general area I don’t balk about it….but I haven’t plopped down on the couch to watch.  I will admit that I haven’t been as productive as I want to be.  I need to really get my to do list done!

2.  So with the 4 servings of veggies.  I have been doing better.  I don’t always get it in and the leafy greens have only made an appearance a few times.  I need to go to the grocery store!

3.  Not going back to sleep after crossfit.  Here is where my whoops happened.  I have been highly stressed lately, I am going through my mensies, and I have been working out really hard.  Today exhausted me.  I laid in bed just to cool off by the fan and I fell asleep.  Baby Belle woke me up at 7:00 leaving me only 30 minutes to get us ready.  I am at work right now unshowered with dried sweat on my body.  Pretty cool!

4.  The Primal challenge.  I didn’t do so hot the first week but this week I’ve got that shit!  Pardon my language but I am feeling really good! 🙂  I know I can do better by pushing myself more on the workouts and being more prepared for meals and I will keep working on it but seriously I passed up ice cream at Hickory Park last night.   That is a pretty big deal!

Have you flubbed on any of your goals?

Any goals you have been rocking out?

Shaunna 🙂

Weekend In Pics

Hey Friends,

This weekend was all about making Baby Belle happy.  We had a lot of fun adventures.

Saturday we started off the morning at Gray’s Lake.  I packed up her wagon and sand toys and encouraged her to get dirty.  Apparently the sand was too wet but she did eventually go wading in the shallow water and try to pick up the bubbles that formed.

photo (4)Then we went over the the playground down the beach and played.  That is always fun for this kiddo.

photo (3)Later that day we crashed the set up of Baby Belle’s boyfriends 3rd birthday party.  The party took place at 2:00 when Baby Belle would be napping.  We had my mama heading over to the house at 3:00 so we went early and got under all the parents feet.

photo (2)And Sunday we went to the Omaha Zoo!  My sister and mama came along too.

photo (1)photo

I have a lot of family and close friends that read this blog.  I am not bored when I just post silly pictures of how cute my kiddo is.  But are you bored?  I feel like my blog is boring and that I don’t have much to write about so when you see a few days of no updates that is why.

If you have an idea of what you want to read please help me by emailing me at shulrick@yahoo.com.  I really do want this to be a fun healthy parenting magical place and I don’t feel like it is going there.  🙂

Thanks friends,




Toddler Tuesday-Someone Got A New Peeno

Hi Friends,

Boy oh boy am I tired.  I so wanted to go back to sleep after my workout this morning and probably would have failed on my goals if Baby Belle hadn’t gotten up before I had a chance to.  I may need more coffee.  You would think with this no tv things on the weekdays that I might go to bed earlier but nope….I didn’t.  Maybe tonight 🙂

So lets get into this peeno story.  Baby Belle doesn’t pronounce the A in piano.  So someone actually got a new piano.  🙂

So the story all started with a little visit to my 2nd parents house that Baby Belle and I took a few weeks ago.  Her and I packed into the car on a Sunday morning after breakfast and drove 2 hours to Cedar Rapids to visit the Hess House.  Mr. and Mrs. Hess have been my 2nd parents since I was in the 7th grade and met my friend Sarah.  We became fast friends and soon were attached at the hip.  Since my middle school and high school were a good 30 minutes away from where I lived it became convenient for me to hang out at their house often before/after my school activities.  Soon enough I had my own key and toothbrush there.  Come to think of it…I had a stocking at Christmas time.  I couldn’t have asked for a better set of 2nd parents.  I don’t want to brag about them too much because I don’t want you hounding them to see if they will adopt you.  🙂

So we went to visit them and this happened.

581420_10200923765229468_208886506_nSomeone wanted to play the peeno.  Mr. Hess obliged and let her bang away at the keys.  Baby Belle is definitely going to have music in her future in someway.  She loves to sing and does it loud and proud but this was her first time getting to use those fingers to make some beautiful music.

Mrs. Hess asked if we would be okay with letting her have her own piano.  She had a keyboard she bought Mr. Hess in their early years of marriage and offered to let Baby Belle have it.  Despite the fact I knew it would eventually drive me and Kevin batty I agreed.  I knew she would have a blast and being a band nerd I know the importance of music in a persons life.  Why not let Baby Belle express her self in some good old peeno playing 🙂

Here she is experimenting with it her peeno last night.

photo (2)photophoto (1)As of this morning she finally figured out that not only does the keyboard do peeno music but she can make all sorts of noises come out of that thing.  The horn is her favorite so far and sent her into a fit of giggles.  Too bad they don’t have a fart noise because she would think that was hilarious!

So there it is…the beginnings of a musician right here with our little peeno player.

Thanks so much Mr. and Mrs. Hess!  When she hits the big time we will remember you 🙂

Were you a band nerd?

What kind of activites can I start with her with this?  We aren’t able to afford any kind of piano lessons at this point.

Shaunna 🙂

Weekend Recap

Hey y’all!

Hope you had a fabulous weekend!  I had a great one and I decided I would just show you through some snapshots I took on my I-Phone.

photo (3)We are getting tons of tomatoes from our jungle….I mean garden!

photo (4)My sister and 2 cousins went to a painting class over at Glazed Expressions and we had so much fun.  More on our class later this week!

photoParticipated in a couples golf tournament and some cocktails at Briggs Woods Golf Course on Sunday.  It was perfect weather and I love spending time with Kevin…even if my golf game sucks 🙂

photo (2)My mom watched Baby Belle for us while we golfed and we came back to help my nephew Maddox celebrate his 3rd birthday with brownies and ice cream.

photo (1)Here he is being all weird about being the center of attention.  Love that boy!

How was your weekend?
